The healing practice of massage/acu-pressure techniques on the hands, feet, and ears dates back to earlier times from Asia, Africa, India, North America, and likely other continents. Over the period of many hundreds of years and in different cultures acu-pressure has progressed in one method or another until the present day where the name Reflexology was eventually applied to this process.
Although it is mostly unknown how the methodologies were used in times past there are some pre-historic and historic carvings, drawings, and written references that show acu-pressure was used for healing. Acu-pressure / Reflexology has evolved and gone through many changes and adaptations. Even today Reflexologists have and are still developing different methodologies using techniques that also involve the Chakras, sound, color, and music.
Below is a very succinct timeline of the development of Reflexology:
- Native American oral histories – dates back several centuries.
- In Europe pressure therapy was practiced in the 14th century.
- The modern history of Reflexology research started in Europe 125 years ago.
- The name Reflexology is Russian in origin. Generally it was equated with neurology, and was defined as "behavior according to the reflexes".
- Europeans / Americans researched reflex therapies.
Reflexology was coined in 1917. - American Dr. Joseph Riley refined Reflexology techniques. He made the first detailed diagrams and drawings of the reflex points located in the feet.
- American Eunice Ingham a physical therapist in the 1930’s painstakingly developed a map of the feet that mirrors the body.
- Through Eunice’s extensive work she became known as the Mother of Modern Day Reflexology.
- In the past several decades books and magazine articles have been published, and radio and TV broadcasts presented about the benefits of Reflexology.

Early in the sixth dynasty, about 4500 years ago. Wall painting in tomb of Ankhmahor at Saqqara, and is known as the physicians tomb. Translation reads: "Don’t hurt me." The practitioner’s reply: "I shall act so you praise me."

Depictions of Vishnu-pada (footprints of Vishnu) as an object of worship. Embellished with auspicious symbols associated with Vishnu, such as the throne, conch, flag and fish. – Jaipur, Rajasthan, mid-19th century The National Museum, New Delhi. (Notice similarities and differences between the color and the black and white interpretations.)

(Reflexology originated in China about 5,000 years ago.)

The use of reflex / acupressure on the feet has been used for centuries with numerous ancient cultures all over the world from the middle east, to Pacific Islanders, Africa, and North and South America.

RESOURCES Please search the Internet under such queries as:
- Reflexology Research;
- Reflexology Research Case Studies;
- Real Reflexology;
- You Tube and search for Reflexology,
- and other Reflexology queries in the search engines to gather more details about Reflexology, and how it may be used to assist with various health conditions.